3 Tips for Maintaining Your CrossFit Routine Over the Holidays

Tips for staying fit during the holiday season

The holiday season is a time for family, celebration, and often, a break from routine. As someone who has a big family and still has to keep the business running over the holiday period, I understand how challenging it can be to keep up with your regular CrossFit training during this busy time. However, with a few strategic tips, you can enjoy the festivities without losing sight of your fitness goals.

1. Schedule Your Workout:

The key to staying on track is planning. Look at your holiday schedule and block out time for workouts, just as you would for any other important appointment. Remember to be flexible with timings, your usual workout time may not be feasible during the holidays so find a time that fits in your day and be ready to adapt.

I find people generally start their day a bit later during the holidays so getting a morning workout means I don’t miss anything and can be ready for whatever has been planned later in the day.

If time is limited, opt for shorter, high-intensity workouts. Remember, a quick workout is better than none. That’s the beauty of CrossFit.

2. Use the Home Workouts Track on SugarWOD:

If you’re an Instinct Fitness member you’ll be able to go into SugarWOD and select the Home Workouts track to find simple workouts you can do at home with little or no equipment. We’ve put this together to help you stay active and engaged during the holidays. No more workout guilt!

This is also a great way to stay connected with the community, see who else is squeezing, workouts in between family brunches, and make sure your coach knows you’re sticking to the plan.

3. Get Your Family Involved:

If you’re anything like me, you’re the “fitness person” at all family gatherings. You can use this as a great way to share your passion with your family and get them involved in your workouts. Not only does this help you achieve your fitness goals but it doubles as family bonding time!

There’s no need to force them to do a brutal CrossFit workout either. Look for fun ways to stay active like going for a walk, playing some outdoor games, or heading to the swimming pool for a few laps followed by a soak in the spa.

You’ll feel much better knowing you got your daily dose of endorphins and it’ll make the Christmas ham taste that much better.

Remember, the holiday season doesn’t have to halt your fitness journey. With a little planning, family inclusion, and leveraging tools like SugarWOD, you can maintain your CrossFit routine and enjoy all the festivities. Happy holidays, and keep moving!

Luke Fiso
CF-L3 Trainer and Founder of Instinct Fitness